One of the first polite pieces of conversation we learned as Peace Corps Trainees in Guatemala is the tradition of saying “Buen Provecho” to people we eating with either before starting a meal or at the end, with the traditional and anticipated response being “Gracias”. In fact, when I’m in the local restaurant, or comedor, in my town, I will both say Buen Provecho to people eating there, such as if I am leaving and their meal has arrived, and also people will say Bueno Provecho to me, even if they don’t know me! In fact at Pollo Campero, Guatemala’s homemade casual dinning restaurant, Buen Provecho is printed on paper that covers the utensils!


At virtually all meals in Guatemala that I’ve been a part of people are wishing each other a Buen Provecho. But what does Buen Provecho mean? I think a good translation would be, “enjoy your meal”, if used before eating, and “I hope you enjoyed your meal”, if used after eating. Here is a video of me wishing some people a Buen Provecho:

Buen Provecho!

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